Hacking on Cliquetis

Hacking on Cliquetis requires to setup a NodeJS v0.12x environment.


Code is hosted on Github.

$ git co https://github.com/mozilla-services/cliquetis
$ cd cliquetis
$ npm install


$ npm test

This will also run code coverage and send the report to Coveralls. Alternatives:

$ npm run test-nocover    # runs tests skipping code coverage
$ npm run test-cover      # runs tests, code coverage; doesn't send results
$ npm run test-cover-html # runs tests, code coverage and opens a fancy html report

Note that code coverage reports are also browseable on Coveralls.

TDD mode

This command will watch for changes on the js source files then rerun the tests:

$ npm run tdd

Note that it won't perform code coverage analysis.

You can also grep to run a subset of tests that way:

$ npm run tdd -- -g Api # only runs Api-related tests

Generating dist files

$ npm run dist

This should have created the following assets:

  • dist/cliquetis.dev.js: Developement version, unminified, embedding source maps;
  • dist/cliquetis.min.js: Production version, minified, no source maps.

Updating docs

Docs are written in Markdown using mkdocs, and are hosted on readthedocs.

Document sources are versionned in the Cliquetis repository, under the docs/ directory. Updates are automatically deployed when pushed to origin/master. That means the docs site is automatically updated everytime a PR lands.

To build docs locally, ensure mkdocs is properly installed, then run:

$ mkdocs build --clean

To serve them over http locally so you can see your modifications in real time:

$ mkdocs serve