Current known limitations

Intended limitations

No revision tree

Kinto.js doesn't track modification history in a form of a revision tree. Instead, it provides information about what eventually changed since the last time you asked, and only that.

This allows covering 80% of common synchronization use cases, while being super-lightweight implementation wise.

You can read more about the rationale here.

No automatic confict handling

Kinto.js won't try to outsmart you as a conflict resolver. Instead, it provides very explicit ways to know about conflicts, and simple helpers to handle them.


Ideally, we should wrap the whole synchronization flow related operations within a single transaction. While that's a goal and part of our roadmap, right now this isn't implemented.

That means if anything fails during the sync flow while some records have already been processed locally, there won't be any rollback performed — and you'll have to handle the situation by hand.

Fortunately, as in theory records don't carry any relations information, usually that's simply matter of calling #sync() again once you've addressed the reported issues.

Take away →

If you don't emulate relations in your data schemas, you're safe.


As all local persistence operations are asynchronous, there might be situations where race conditions may occur.

For example, if you're displaying a form for the user to update a record, and in the meanwhile that record is updated from a ServiceWorker, you might just save an obsolete/conflicting version of the record, overriding the last know valid one by "mistake".

This is a known issue and we're in the process of finding a decent situation to handle these smoothly.

Take away →

Pay high attention to race conditions when saving records in your app async flows.

In-memory filtering/ordering

All the collection ordering and filtering is done in-memory; that means Kinto.js first loads a whole collection in memory, then process it, meaning you can easily get high-memory usage and degraded performances on very large datasets.

Take away →

Don't use Kinto.js for very large datasets.

Custom schema fields are not indexed yet

For now only a few standard fields are indexed by default in IndexedDB collection schemas, resulting in possible degraded performances when filtering & ordering collections. We'll add custom indexes capability in a near future, though.

Take away →

Seriously, don't use Kinto.js for very large datasets.

Future plans

Here's what's planned for future versions, outside of fixing the known limitations listed above:

  • Adding a client-side crypto layer to the API in order to bring secure & privacy-safe remote storage of user data;
  • Adding support for sharing & permissions;
  • Allowing to use other local storage backend than IndexedDB (localStorage, WebSQL) in the form of alternative drivers/adapters;
  • Providing an admin Web UI allowing easy management of your Kinto buckets and collections.

These are really higher goals, so feedback and help are warmly welcome!